Do critical thoughts about your body ruin important moments in your life? Is your body is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning and the last thing on your mind at night? Do you feel like you can’t even go on a walk or have something to eat without that invasive internal monologue starting up?
In order to get rid of the daily practice of body hatred, two things need to change: your mind and your behaviors. It sounds easy but as many of us know, it’s not as simple and straightforward as we’d like it to be.
Acclaimed author, body image expert and Fat Studies scholar Virgie Tovar has the answers and wants to help you start a radical new relationship with your body so you can stop waiting and start living.
This means putting an end to the endless hours spent thinking about what you look like from certain angles and learning how to start living your life (while also getting woke about the cultural realities that make body hatred so common).
This 5-module lifetime-access course will provide you with the tools you need to adopt a body love practice grounded in intersectional feminism. You’ll leave with an understanding of how to analyze and articulate the current paradigms around bodies, weight and food so you can finally deprogram your mind.
Through this course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how diet culture and fatphobia make our lives unnecessarily miserable so you can dump them. You’ll also be assigned quick and easy activities that powerfully activate behavioral change, like practicing boundary-setting and weight-neutral language.
Just $97

Virgie Tovar
Course Leader, Author & Activist
Virgie Tovar is an author, activist and one of the nation's leading experts and lecturers on fat discrimination and body image. She is the founder of Babecamp, a 4-week online course designed to help women who are ready to break up with diet culture, and started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNotWeight. She pens a weekly column called "Take the Cake" for Tovar edited the ground-breaking anthology Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion (Seal Press, November 2012) and The Feminist Press will be publishing her forthcoming book of non-fiction, You Have the Right to Remain Fat (August 2018). She holds a Master's degree in Sexuality Studies with a focus on the intersections of body size, race and gender. After teaching "Female Sexuality" at the University of California at Berkeley, where she completed a Bachelor's degree in Political Science in 2005, she went onto host "The Virgie Show" (CBS Radio) in San Francisco. She is a former plus size style writer for BuzzFeed. Virgie has been featured by the New York Times, Tech Insider, MTV, Al Jazeera, NPR, Yahoo Health, the San Francisco Chronicle, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine Online, Bust Magazine, and French language magazine Madame Figaro. She lives in San Francisco and offers workshops and lectures nationwide. Find her online at and on instragram @virgietovar.
What people are saying about Virgie’s new book You Have the Right to Remain Fat
“Virgie Tovar is the radical voice we need, with a gift for expressing what so many women feel but cannot always articulate. In this bold new book, she eviscerates diet culture, proclaims the joyous possibilities of fat, and shows us that liberation is possible.”
— Sarai Walker, author of Dietland
“Virgie does the thing we need to see more of in political writing: she shares every bit of her humanity, right down to her feelings about her own nipple color, without missing a beat on sharp critiques of the systems that oppress her. Her clear descriptions of anti-fat bias and the social construction that is “diet culture,” make it difficult to disagree with her main point: you are not the problem, society is the problem. The world desperately needs to be told this truth—this book will be required reading for my clients going forward.”
— Isabel Foxen Duke, Coach & Creator of
Just $97
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some common questions, but contact us if you have others!
When can I access the course?
The course launches on February 14th, 2018, so pre-register to reserve your spot!
How will I access everything?
After signing up, you will receive an email within a hour providing directions on how to access the course intranet on the Everyday Feminism website. From within the course intranet, you will be able to do everything – from accessing the course modules to contacting the course leader. Your access never expires to the course so you can come back whenever you need support.
Will I get all the course modules at once or one at a time?
In order to help you process and apply the course at a reasonable pace, a new module will be released on a weekly basis for 5 weeks. We recommend that you spend at least a week on each module but you may find that you need more time. Since the course is self-paced, you can go at whatever pace works best for you!
What do you mean by lifetime access? Will I get access to new updates as they roll out?
Lifetime access means that you will have access to the course for as long as it’s being offered. During this time, you will always be able to access the course modules. This also means if we make any changes and updates to the course in the future, you will have access to them as well.
If I don’t have the extra money to pay for this course right now but I really want to take it, what should I do?
So here are some ways to manage the fee and still access the course:
- Pay in 3 monthly installments of $33: If you can’t pay the full price all at once, you can pay it in 3 installments. Click here to do so.
- Refer someone: If you refer someone to the course who signs up, have them tell us via the Contact Us form. You’ll get 25% of the fee refunded to you. So if you get 4 friends to join you, you get the course for free! Note that this also retroactive, so it’s ok if you’ve already signed-up, you’ll still get the discount!
- Apply for a scholarship: As part of our commitment to social justice and accessibility, Everyday Feminism has a scholarship fund that receives $1 of every $4 earned from course sales. Click here to learn more.
Is the course accessible for people with a hearing impairment?
Yes, it is – the entire course is text-based.
How does the money-back guarantee work?
We want to make sure that this course is right for you. And if you find that it’s not, you can get a full refund anytime within the first 14 days of the course just by letting us know.
Just $97