Learn How To Listen To Your Gut and Sharpen Your Psychic Awareness to Interpret Energy
Do you struggle with acknowledging and trusting your own gut feelings about particular things? Have you had a fascination with Tarot cards but felt overwhelmed by learning its system or too scared to approach something so esoteric and foreign? Can you access a broader intelligence and gain quick information without having to use your logical mind?
Our society is currently submerged in alarming false news, triggering traumatic occurrences and a reigning political system that thrives off injustice. How do we best train our discernment in such troubling times? How can we trust our judgment and best guide ourselves through these conflicting and anxious moments?
As women, we’re often taught at an early age to ignore our intuition and to trust the wisdom of others. We’re told that we’re being too sensitive, emotional, illogical or dramatic when we operate off our intuition.
But intuition is an innate skill that’s accessible to everyone. Like a muscle, it can only be strengthened when used, but never lost. It’s the art of gaining knowledge without using any conscious understanding on how you got that information.
Tapping deeper into this ability and practicing daily, can help us to remove what blocks our abundance and success, clarify the energy that is going on around and within us, and bring an overall greater state of ease.
We’re naturally embedded with our own “gps” that shifts us toward where we need to be and how to best act, so that we can thrive and serve from a space of truth and integrity. We seldom trust our intuition because we’re used to thinking of it as figment of our imagination and quite often, our intuition speaks so softly that we ignore it.
Tarot cards are a phenomenal way to gain insight, guidance and clarity over feelings, actions and decisions to be. It serves as a tool to enhance self-awareness, intuitive/psychic abilities and self-trust.
Reading the Tarot and accessing your intuition is actually quite easy. You don’t have to rely on other spiritual guides for that information. With my help, after this webinar, you should be able to interpret energy and get those answers yourself.
You’ll receive tools and methods you can apply to your daily life that will allow you to read Tarot without memorizing any definition. We’ll also encourage you to open up to an aspect of yourself that is innately tapped into a greater intelligent force. You should leave this webinar feeling more connected, confident and eager to implement your newfound wisdom everyday.
In this webinar you will:
- Identify gut feelings and interpret what they might mean
- Learn to trust your own intuition and tap deeper into this ability
- Incorporate Tarot into your daily life to gain insight and clarity
- Receive tools you can use to read Tarot without having to memorize or study definitions
- Sharpen your sense of self-awareness and self-trust
Just $35
Very informative and I love that we can go back and watch it. Tatiana is so full of information that one sitting is not enough. I am a note taker so to have the ability to go back and watch again is awesome.”

Tatianna Tarot
Webinar Leader, Intuitive Tarot Therapist & Ritual Practitioner
Tatianna Tarot is a Intuitive Tarot Therapist & Ritual Practitioner, Medium, Spiritual Consultant, Teacher & Energetic Healer. Based in New Orleans, she has over 20 years of experience as an intuitive Tarot Reader and continues to provide this service as a means of alternative therapy to aid others in gaining higher awareness of their personal power, intuitive/psychic abilities and to facilitate healing through a deeper connection with Spirit. Tatianna Tarot has been featured by LATINA Magazine, MadameNoire, Sarah Gottesdiener’s Many Moons Workbooks and The Editor Ink. She also regularly contributes as a freelance writer for Fierce By Mitú, highlighting how tarot influences astrological signs. She believes in the power of traditional sacred arts used in a modern approach, as a catalyst to transform others into a better state of living and to raise consciousness to guide and provide empowerment in our personal journeys.
Just $35
Here are answers to some common questions, but contact us if you have others!
Just $35